The rivers of Maryland and Washington, D.C. hold a wealth of splendor from Annapolis to Worcester County. Paddling Maryland and Washington, D.C. features fifty river trips for avid paddlers, floaters, and anglers searching for the perfect paddle, whether it is a half-day or a full-day trip. History buffs will appreciate the sidebars detailing local information.
Look inside to find:
For more than twenty-five years, FalconGuides® have set the standard for
outdoor guidebooks. Written by top experts, each guide invites you to experience the adventure and beauty of the outdoors.
Look inside to find:
- Full-color photos
- GPS coordinates
- Detailed river descriptions
- Maps showing access points and river miles
- Level of difficulty, optimal flows, rapids, and other hazards
- Historical information
For more than twenty-five years, FalconGuides® have set the standard for
outdoor guidebooks. Written by top experts, each guide invites you to experience the adventure and beauty of the outdoors.